Importance of Integrity in Business & Keeping Your Promises

Numbers 23:19 "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"

In today's business world, where deals are struck at lightning speed and competition is fierce, one quality stands out as a beacon of trust and reliability: integrity. The importance of integrity in business makes it the foundation for building strong business relationships and lasting success.

Keeping your promises is not just ethical, but also a strategic advantage. Integrity fosters trust with customers, employees, and business partners, ultimately leading to a more positive and profitable business environment.

Why Integrity in Business Is Important

Business leaders must understand the importance of business ethics as a cornerstone of creating a successful and sustainable business both within and outside of its walls. Establishing an ethical approach in which customers perceive your business to be trustworthy is key to building customer relationships and maintaining their loyalty.

Perceived integrity is one of the key factors in building customers' trust and their decision to go through with a transaction. Establishing a business based on integrity therefore not only reflects your personal values but can also translate to sales.

For Christians in business, our integrity isn't only guided by what's commonly accepted but by what we learn in the Bible. Two Bible-based examples of integrity to embrace in your business are:

  1. Staying true to your word: Jesus encourages us to "let your yes be yes, and your no be no" (Matthew 5:37). This emphasizes the importance of keeping promises as well as being truthful in your interactions.

  2. Honesty: Those who embrace honesty and transparency are more likely to succeed than those who choose deception: "The integrity of the upright guides them, but their duplicity destroys the unfaithful” (Proverbs 11:3). In other words, those who are duplicitous or seek to deceive others will be exposed.

Living with integrity can sometimes seem like the long way round. It can be tempting to cut corners or get ahead through deceptive practices. Remember that your business journey is a long one. Building long-lasting and fruitful business relationships is only possible when they're based on mutual respect and trust. 

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How Numbers 23:19 Applies to Integrity in Business

We're told throughout the Bible that God's word is unchangeable and unchanging. Unlike men who often lack strong moral principles, break their promises, or act with deceptive purposes, God follows through.

As businesswomen leading ethical companies, it's our duty to mirror God's loyalty to truth and integrity by embracing ethical leadership practices. A positive work environment that embraces integrity as a core value and promotes high moral standards follows the example set by our Creator. By accepting the lessons from Numbers 23:19, we can align our business with the following Christian values:


Numbers 23:19 stresses the importance of keeping promises as a leader, reflecting God's unwavering fidelity. God doesn’t share our limitations and isn’t bound by human rules or weaknesses. His unchanging integrity offers inspiration for business leaders as they provide stability, strength, and integrity in a business world that changes constantly around them.


When you're known to be a reliable and trustworthy person in your personal and professional life, it's easy to build trust within your team. Just as God's word is impeachable, make your words and deeds dependable and ensure that actions follow words.

Model of Faithfulness

This passage acts as a reminder of God’s command over all earthly and heavenly things. His promises don’t rely on the ebb and flow of everyday circumstances. Rather, He is a beacon of dependability and stability. Through this lesson, leaders are prompted to be examples of God’s faithfulness through their commitment to their tasks and how they follow through.

Alignment with God’s Timing

God’s plans are certain and deliberate. Believers must therefore learn to be patient in the knowledge that God’s promises are kept in His perfect timing. Business leaders must put their faith in God and trust that their reward will come from Him instead of succumbing to the pressures of our overly hurried society to try to accelerate success.

How to Show Integrity in Business

Integrity isn't just a concept; it's a way of doing business that builds trust and respect. By consistently acting with honesty and fairness, you can cultivate a positive reputation and attract loyal customers and employees. Here are some practical tips to demonstrate integrity in your daily business operations:

Keeping Promises

Keeping promises means staying true to your word without wavering, playing for time, or compromising your integrity. This takes two key forms:

  1. Follow through on your word: Actions speak louder than words. Consistent follow-through builds trust and strengthens relationships.

  2. Deliver on your promises: If you make a commitment, do everything in your power to fulfill it.

Transparency and Honesty

Clear and honest communication is key to maintaining positive business relationships with everyone in your sphere. Maintain the integrity of your relationships by:

  • Being upfront and truthful in all your dealings. Avoid misleading information or making promises you can't keep.

  • Maintaining clear communication with customers, employees, and partners. Share information openly and address concerns honestly.

  • Being transparent about pricing and fees. Avoid hidden charges or unexpected costs.

Ethical Conduct

Ethical conduct can take many forms both in your own actions and how you behave within your industry:

  • Adhere to all laws and regulations governing your industry. Don't cut corners or take unethical shortcuts.

  • Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position or background. Maintain a fair and inclusive work environment.

  • Avoid conflicts of interest. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest, and recuse yourself from situations where your personal interests could compromise your objectivity.

Building Trust

Build trust with everyone with whom you have business relationships. You’ll reap the benefits of these strong bonds as you take your business from strength to strength.

  • Take responsibility for mistakes. When things go wrong, acknowledge your errors and work to rectify them.

  • Do what's right, even when it's difficult. Demonstrate your commitment to ethical principles even in challenging situations.

  • Be reliable and dependable. Show up on time and meet deadlines consistently.

Promoting Integrity

As a business owner, you have the power to lead by example. Your personal integrity will set the bar high for other partners and employees to follow.

  • Create a company culture that values integrity. Set clear expectations and reward employees who demonstrate ethical behavior.

  • Lead by example. As a business leader, your actions set the tone for the entire organization.

  • Be willing to speak up against unethical practices. Don't be afraid to call out questionable behavior when you see it.

Integrity in Business Starts with You

When creating a business environment that values integrity, leading by example is the best way to set the tone for the values you want to see in your business. By consistently applying Biblical principles, you can promote integrity and create a thriving business environment where everyone feels valued and respected. 

Integrity is an ongoing journey in business and one you must persist with as you grow your business and watch it take off. Your commitment to integrity will not only enhance your reputation but also pave the way for long-term success.

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