How Perseverance Leads to Business Success

Hebrews 10:36 "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

The entrepreneurial journey is rarely a smooth road. Perseverance in business is one of the factors that separate those who reach the summit of success from the many entrepreneurs who get discouraged and turn back.

Developing an unwavering spirit that fuels business triumphs allows entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles, navigate setbacks, and turn their visions into thriving realities. Knowing God has your back even when things go wrong gives us the strength to carry on knowing that He will give us the tools to bounce back and ultimately prosper.

What Is Perseverance?

Perseverance is the commitment we make to ourselves to achieve a goal or carry on when we face obstacles or setbacks. It's this grit, determination, and resilience that allows us to keep pushing forward even when things get tough. Some of the key aspects of perseverance are:

  • Steadfastness: Perseverance involves sticking to your goals and not giving up easily. It's about staying focused on the long-term vision even when faced with short-term difficulties.

  • Resilience: Resilience describes your ability and willingness to bounce back from setbacks and failures. Perseverance acknowledges that there will be bumps on the road, but it equips you with the strength to learn from them and keep moving forward.

  • Determination: Perseverance requires a strong desire and resolve to achieve your goals. It's about belief in yourself and your God-given capabilities, even when faced with doubt or discouragement.

  • Patience: Achieving success often takes time. Perseverance allows you to be patient with yourself and the process, understanding that progress might be slow but steady.

Resilience is important in business, in life, and in faith. Indeed, Jesus exemplified what it means to persevere in the face of adversity. He withstood persecution while sticking steadfastly to his beliefs and ultimately rose again. We can take inspiration from his example to persevere, continue on our path, and reap the eternal rewards of our faith.

What Does Hebrews 10:36 Teach Us About Perseverance?

Hebrews 10:36 teaches us that we aren't given hardships or pain as a way to frustrate us. Instead, hardships challenge us to remain steadfast in our faith in God. If believers give up on their faith in God at the first hurdle, they will not receive what was promised: the "enduring possession" found in heaven.

Our anticipation of future glory should drive us to endure frustrations or trials with joyful hope. The end goal, after living patiently in faith, is God's promise of eternal glory.

Sometimes we can make the mistake of thinking that when God wants something done, it will happen. The truth is that God's will is often executed through our actions. This includes our decision to persevere in spite of opposition, doubt, or times of hardship.

This is clearly illustrated throughout the Bible. Without perseverance, Moses would never have led the Israelites through the desert despite so many challenges.

How Does Perseverance Lead to Success in Business?

Perseverance isn't just a desirable quality for entrepreneurs; it's the bedrock upon which success is built. By cultivating an indefatigable spirit, you become equipped to weather storms and even turn setbacks into stepping stones.

The path to business success is rarely linear and is rarely achieved overnight. You will inevitably go through moments of self-doubt, frustration, and setbacks. But by embracing perseverance, learning from challenges, and continuously striving forward, you can transform your vision into a thriving reality. 

Top tip:Join our family to gain exclusive practical tools to build up your perseverance and develop a faith-based approach to your entrepreneurial journey. You can also sign up for our podcast and join the discussion about a wide range of faith-based business topics.

How to Develop Perseverance

Researchers at Stanford University identified the importance of a "growth mindset" in learning, taking things in our stride, and finding new solutions to problems

Successful entrepreneurs need to shake off the fixed mindset which causes their confidence to become shaky and feelings of inadequacy to creep in when they make mistakes.

Start changing your mindset to one of perseverance by incorporating these steps into your personal and professional life:

  • Think of the end game. Focus on what persisting will do for you and your family and how you’ll feel when you achieve your objective. 

  • Remove distractions. What’s distracting you from reaching your goals? Remove unnecessary commitments and habits that drain your energy or determination.

  • Renew your self-image. The biggest obstacle to achieving your goals may be yourself. The trick to becoming more persistent may be seeing yourself as a persistent person. Become the persistent person you envision and when the urge to quit arises, rise above it.

Benefits of Developing Perseverance in Business

The power of perseverance mustn’t be underestimated. As Hebrews 10:36 teaches us, persevering is part of our duty to carry out the will of God and reach our own personal goals. 

Divine Reward

As a Christian business owner, the rewards of business success aren't only worldly. Fulfilling the will of God—your success and prosperity—will lead to an abundance of rewards and the fulfillment of God's promises.

Tribulations that happen in life that challenge our faith can often lead to growth and also strengthen our faith and resolve. Contrast this with the complacency we can easily fall into during good times. When we know God is good, we can embrace hard times knowing that perseverance will make our business and our faith stronger.

Aligned Actions

Aligning the direction your business takes with God’s will ensures that your perseverance is meaningful and directed. Taking strength from your faith can help you focus on your goals while thinking about how best to serve God through these goals and your business in general. 

Promise of Success

Hebrews 10:36 offers hope that steadfastness in the face of failure and rejection will lead to divine rewards and business success. Running a successful business means being in it for the long haul.

Take faith that God wants you to achieve success. You will reap the infinite rewards of pushing through hard times by persevering in your business, in your own life, and in your relationship with God.

Let Faith and a Growth Mindset Underpin Your Journey

Overcoming obstacles is one way of developing a growth mindset as you navigate your entrepreneurial journey. Running your own business is your chance to shine, but requires perseverance from beginning to end.

Though we may pray for overnight success, the truth is that the most rewarding and instructive business journeys are ones punctuated with challenges. Let faith be your anchor and maintain a positive mindset as you grow as a Christian and continue on the journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

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