Importance of Leading by Example as an Entrepreneur

1 Timothy 4:12 "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." 

Business leaders who understand the importance of leading by example will generally have a workforce that's eager to follow their lead. As an employer with clear ethics, you can instill the values you wish to see in your employees by demonstrating these values through your own behavior.

Leading by example can be as simple as aligning your leadership skills with your ethics. By staying true to your beliefs—and having the confidence to demonstrate them—your Christian leadership style will inspire the people around you to follow suit.

What Is Leading by Example?

Leading by example is exemplified by leaders who model the behavior and ethics they want to see in their team. This type of leadership shows team members how to work rather than enforcing policies that motivate certain attitudes.

Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." This is a great way to think of leading by example. Think about the values and ethics you want people to associate with your business and take it upon yourself to embody these values.

A study published in 2022 describes leading by example as one of the key dimensions of “empowering leadership”. The same study reports that leaders who exhibit certain behaviors like working hard strengthen the bonds between ranks and contribute to organizational success. Leading by example can therefore be useful for promoting desirable behaviors and for the overall success of a company.

Young Leaders Should Lead by Example

Starting out in business can be intimidating, especially if you're young and new to the business world. However, inexperience isn't synonymous with naivety or incompetence. Older generations tend to dismiss newcomers simply because they're young. 1 Timothy 4:12 teaches us that to counter this, the influence of a young leader must come through their example.

The key to leading by example is having the self-confidence and belief to do so. If you struggle with overcoming fear, join our family and request details about our membership options. You'll learn how to build your confidence in business by taking strength and inspiration from the Bible to become the leader you're capable of being.

What Does 1 Timothy 4:12 Say About Leading by Example?

1 Timothy 4:12 teaches us that we can lead by example at any age or level of experience. Young people are called to lead older believers in faith and purity. In the same way, older believers are encouraged to set aside pride and embrace the lessons younger people can teach them.

When leaders in business face skepticism, opposition, or even contempt, they must see it as an opportunity to show their worth. A business owner who demonstrates a positive mindset and is guided by God has the qualities to be a successful leader.

Importance of Leading by Example

Leading by example is of vital importance to business owners keen to instill a good company culture. Employees will look to their leaders for effective leadership, especially when facing challenges in their own work. As a business owner, you are the person your workers will turn to for inspiration and support. It’s vital you take this responsibility seriously and lead the way.

Leaders who successfully lead by example build a greater connection, level of trust, camaraderie, and sense of shared goals with their colleagues. Business owners who roll up their sleeves and participate in the work along with their employees show they value their team's efforts and increase their understanding of what everyday life in their company entails.

Holistic Example

1 Timothy 4:12 encourages leaders to be holistic role models, demonstrating excellence in both professional skills and personal virtues. Holistic leadership requires you to put everything into your role. Apart from your skills and expertise, you must bring your character, values, and way of thinking.

Your team will follow suit when your Christian values pervade every aspect of your role. Set clear expectations for your business by demonstrating respect, understanding, personal discipline, and industry.


Don't underestimate your influence as a leader. As a business owner, you set the tone and can create a positive and productive company culture as well as mold your team's and the organization's values. 1 Timothy 4:12 teaches us to lead by example in five different areas:


What we say matters. The Bible is clear about the importance of how we speak. For example, "Let your speech always be gracious" (Colossians 4:6) and "Be gentle, and show perfect courtesy toward all people" (Titus 3:2). Speak to your colleagues, clients, and the general public with courtesy and expect the same of your team members.


Your conduct as a leader must reflect your company's values and exemplify what you want to see throughout your ranks. Inspire others to work hard by getting your hands dirty yourself. Treat others respectfully and watch as others do the same.


Many people love to work, but we must also demonstrate Biblical love through our work. Show love by rejoicing in people's successes or sympathizing with them when they suffer setbacks. Encourage a company culture that promotes working together towards a shared goal with shared love and joy.


Faith can come in many forms in business. Have faith in yourself as a leader, your team, your short and long-term goals, and God’s desire for you to succeed. Faith that you'll be rewarded for your hard work will push you through when you face challenges and encourage others to believe in and support your goals, too.


God calls us to live a holy life free from corruption, violence, and immoral behavior. Moral purity in the workplace comes from giving our lives to God and living by His word in everything we do. Your example will be important in influencing others to embrace the same values.


1 Timothy 4:12 inspires leaders to empower their employees by actively demonstrating the behaviors and attitudes they wish to see. When employees feel empowered, valued, and part of a company's long-term plans, they will go the extra distance to work toward your shared goals.

Tips for Leading by Example

Leading by example can look like:

  • Following through on promises

  • Coming to work with a positive attitude

  • Working side by side with your team

  • Following the rules and expectations set out by the company

  • An ongoing commitment to training and education

  • Actively listening to others and being receptive to constructive feedback

An Effective Team Leader Is Also a Role Model

Good leaders understand the importance of setting an example in the workplace. Companies run with Christian business ethics at their heart and a strong leader who leads by example are in a strong position to prosper.

Being a role model for the entire company sets great team leaders apart. Your exemplary leadership will have a trickle-down effect on your workers as you inspire and motivate them to work hard and act ethically in everything they do.

Related verses:

  • Proverbs 29:18

  • Matthew 7:24

  • Mark 10:45


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