Importance of Tithes & Offerings for Business Success

Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

Tithes and offerings are two ways Christian business owners can glorify God through their work. Both of these practices further God's work on earth. However, the practical details of how (and why) to apply these commandments may be unclear for modern entrepreneurs.

Business owners whose business is profitable may wish to tithe from their business profits or from the salary they pay themselves. Ultimately, tithes and offerings are a way to thank God for His provision. The practical details are between you and God.

What Are Tithes?

The Old Testament laws related to tithing instruct the Israelites to take one-tenth (10%) of their produce and their first-born cattle and sheep to Jerusalem for the pilgrimage festivals. The tithe would instead go to the Levites and local poor at the end of every third year.

Today, church members give 10% of their income to God through their local church. The funds collected through tithing are used to support and grow the church and spread God’s word throughout the world.

What Does the Bible Say About Tithing?

The concept of tithing is important in the Bible. Leviticus 27:30 says, "A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s, and is holy." Proverbs 3:9 echoes this, saying, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.”

We learn from these verses that Christians should give a tenth of what they make back to God. Further to this, "firstfruits" suggests we should give this amount before we do anything else with our income (such as paying taxes). Prioritizing tithes means you put giving above anything else. Tithes aren't random donations or an afterthought in your budgeting; you give your firstfruits, not the leftovers.

Keep Your Motives Pure When Tithing

How we give is just as important as what or how much we give. The Apostle Paul said, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). But what does being a "cheerful giver" mean in the present world?

Firstly, giving is a hugely important topic throughout the Bible. A generous person chooses to serve God through the act of giving rather than their own wealth and prosperity. The way we give is addressed in various Bible verses that underline the importance of giving from the heart to serve God's purposes. For example:

  • Jesus said, "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." (Matthew 6:1). 

  • When we pay tithes and offerings, we must do it to honor God, not as a means to receive anything in return, like Ananias and Sapphira, who gave only to receive the approval of others (Acts 5:1-11).

So what type of giving honors God? Giving must be honest and from a heart devoted to God's purpose and without ulterior motives. In other words, God loves the cheerful giver. 

What Are Offerings?

Offerings are anything given on top of your 10% tithe. It's easy to confuse tithes and offerings as they're often given together. However, the concept is different—both financially and spiritually.

Once you've tithed and paid your monthly bills, you might have some money left over. This disposable income can be used to give more. Offerings can come in the form of giving more than the stipulated 10% to the church, donating money to a good cause, or helping somebody in need.

What you offer is a very personal choice. Remember that giving is an expression of thankfulness for the blessings you’ve received and a recognition that everything you have is from God. Making offerings is a great way to give thanks and reap heavenly rewards.

Why Should Businesses Give Tithes and Offerings?

Businesses should give tithes because that portion of their revenue belongs to God. Offerings are voluntary. However, giving more than the required amount expresses your faith in God’s provision, cultivates an attitude of generosity, and multiplies your impact. 

Generosity Rewarded

Business practices grounded in generosity and faith lead to overwhelming blessings. Individuals or businesses that seek ways to give rather than avoid tithing will reap generously. 

God is more interested in our hearts than the amount we give. However, paying tithes and freewill offerings recognizes the blessings we've received and allows us to repay God (at least in a small part) for His overwhelming goodness to us.

Challenge to Give

Tithes and offerings encourage entrepreneurs to give as a testament to their faith, promising divine abundance in return. Because giving comes from our hearts, Christians who consider tithing an act of loving obedience to God's laws rather than an obligation will reap the benefits.

Studies link prosocial behaviors such as giving and volunteering with a range of specific benefits. These include improved mental health, greater vitality, and even delayed mortality. In the workplace, generosity is connected with a reduced chance of job burnout (page 3 of the linked PDF). 

Pro tip: Join our family and request information about our membership options to learn more about the intersection between faith-based practices like tithing and business success.

Experiencing Overflow

Businesses that give position themselves to receive blessings in abundance. In Luke 6:38, Jesus says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap.” Obedience to God's laws through giving with a cheerful heart leads to blessings so bountiful they can’t be contained.

Key Tithing Considerations for Business Owners

In Malachi 3:10, God challenges the reader to bring "all the tithes" to the storehouse. While this is easy to calculate for salaried employees, business owners may have trouble settling on the right amount to fulfill God's law. The following are a few practical tips:

  • The best course of action when following the "first fruits" model is to have the business tithe 10% of net income after expenses and paying taxes. This includes all forms of income.

  • The business owner should tithe his or her own income (salary) by setting aside the first 10%.

  • Modern technology has made church tithing easier. Money management apps can help you manage the distribution of your income, including your 10% tithe. Some churches also allow online giving which makes the process easier.

Remember that the goal with tithing isn't to abide by rules you can't live by. Instead, consider tithing as a way to reflect the generosity we receive from God. Honoring God and seeking to live a generous life will help you work out the practical details of business tithing. If you still have money left over that you want to give as a freewill offering at the end of the month, perfect!

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Christian business owners who prioritize God's laws will further His work by paying back some of the blessings they receive. We receive so many blessings and it is our duty to give back whenever we can.

Keep in mind that giving tithes simply to tick a box isn't a holy act. Sharing generously as a cheerful giver is the only way to truly follow God's commandments and receive the divine benefits promised in the Bible.

Related verses:

  • Acts 20:35


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