Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset

Ephesians 3:20 (AMPC) "Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—"

Most entrepreneurs view the world through one of two lenses: scarcity or abundance. The lens we choose is critical as our perceptions (whether based on reality or not) influence the way we think and respond to different situations.

Whether we have a scarcity or abundance mindset profoundly influences our decision-making, relationships, and overall well-being. As leaders, having an abundant mindset is key to success. This involves having faith in God and His bounty, and also believing in ourselves.

What Is a Scarcity Mindset?

A scarcity mindset is an outlook rooted in the belief that resources are limited—that there is “only one pie.” This fosters an unhealthy sense of competition and fear of loss. It's a perspective that focuses on what's missing—or what’s perceived to be missing—rather than what's available. People with a scarcity mindset often feel like they're constantly competing for limited resources, leading to stress, anxiety, and a sense of deprivation.

This mindset permeates various spheres of life, including:

  • Finances: Worrying about not having enough money.

  • Time: Feeling like there's never enough time in the day to achieve our goals.

  • Opportunities: Believing there are limited chances for success. This can lead to business owners overlooking potentially beneficial opportunities to grow their business.

It's important to note that a scarcity mindset can be learned but also unlearned. Developing an abundance mindset means individuals can shift their focus to opportunities which in turn leads to greater fulfillment and success. 

We provide practical tips and support for transforming your mindset in our sisterhood. Join our family and request details about our membership options for unique insights about developing a more abundant mindset for your business.

What Is an Abundance Mindset?

An abundance mindset focuses on the belief that there is enough for everyone, creating a sense of opportunity and possibility. It's a perspective that focuses on personal worth, opportunities, growth, and collaboration rather than competition and scarcity. People with an abundance mindset believe in the power of sharing, generosity, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Key characteristics of an abundance mindset include:

  • Focus on opportunities: Seeing challenges as opportunities for growth and development.

  • Belief in shared success: Understanding that others' success doesn't diminish your own and being genuinely happy about others’ victories and progress.

  • Generosity: Willingness to share resources, knowledge, and support, recognizing that you don’t lose an advantage from doing so.

  • Gratitude: Appreciation for what you already have and the people and circumstances that made it possible.

  • Optimism: Taking on challenges with positivity and an optimistic outlook on life and the future.

Why Your Mindset Matters as an Entrepreneur

A scarcity mindset is a significant obstacle to business growth and success. When business leaders operate from a place of scarcity, they make decisions based on fear and limitation rather than opportunity and expansion.

The key impacts of a scarcity mindset on business are:

  • Limited growth: Believing there's a limited market or customer base can stifle growth ambitions or close doors to future opportunities.

  • Fear-based decision-making: Decisions are often made out of a fear of loss rather than a pursuit of gain. This is unlikely to lead to significant or sustained growth or success.

  • Reduced innovation: A scarcity mindset stifles creativity and innovation as resources are perceived as limited.

  • Increased competition: A scarcity mentality can lead to a hyper-competitive focus rather than collaboration and partnership. This can impact your business relationships with partners, employees, or business acquaintances.

  • Employee morale: Leadership characterized by a scarcity mindset can filter down to employees. This creates a stressful and uninspiring work environment.

  • Missed opportunities: A focus on what's lacking can blind businesses to new opportunities and potential partnerships.

  • Lower moral standards: Studies suggest that scarcity thinking can influence individuals to loosen their moral standards and display antisocial behaviors. This manifests in different ways, from making self-centered and unethical decisions to showing a lack of empathy for others. 

A Scarcity Mentality Perpetuates a Cycle of Negativity

A scarcity mentality can become an all-consuming way of living based on a never-ending cycle of negative emotions. Princeton professor Eldar Shafir describes the scarcity mindset as something that consumes "mental bandwidth." Shafir explains that the brainpower and energy wasted on preoccupations caused by a scarcity mindset could otherwise be spent on planning ahead, problem-solving, or innovative thinking that could take your business to the next level.

Conversely, a scarcity mentality will only impose debilitating cognitive deficits that reinforce self-sabotaging thoughts and actions. Replacing a scarcity mindset with an abundance mentality is therefore crucial for business success. It allows for greater considered risk-taking, innovation, and a more positive business culture.

How to Change from a Scarcity to Abundance Mindset

Transitioning from a scarcity to an abundance mindset requires conscious effort and practice. Remember that changing your mindset can be challenging. However, recognizing you want to change your outlook is already an encouraging sign that change is possible.

The following strategies are practical ways to shift your perspective:

Practice Gratitude

Regularly focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack, cultivates a sense of abundance. Daily affirmations focusing on what you’re grateful for—or writing them in a journal—will help you focus on how much good there is in your life. 

Practice Generosity

Giving back to others shifts your focus from lack to abundance. For example, understanding the link between tithing and business success reaffirms your trust in God’s provision and that His resources are available in more abundance than we can fathom.

Mindfulness and Meditation

These practices help you become more aware of your thoughts and reduce negative thinking patterns associated with scarcity. Paying attention to what you feel, why you feel it, and what you can learn from it are positive steps on the path to an abundance mindset.

Challenge Your Thoughts

When scarcity-based thoughts arise, question their validity and replace them with more positive and abundant affirmations. This will require careful consideration. Keep a journal or talk through your thoughts (and affirmations you could replace them with) with a friend, your spouse, a mentor, or a professional.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Spending time with people who have an abundance mindset will have a positive influence on how you see the world. Their example will open your mind to how others face challenges and opportunities differently.

Set Achievable Goals

Breaking down more ambitious goals into smaller, more manageable steps creates a sense of progress and accomplishment on the way to a more abundant life.

Intentionally Create Margin or “Slack”

Intentionally setting aside some time and money for emergencies combats a scarcity mindset by providing a cushion you can fall back on when needed. This reduces stress and frees up mental space for creativity, enjoyment, and better decision-making.

Embrace the Journey

Shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and take the time to recognize the progress made along the way.

Cultivate an Abundance Mindset for Long-Term Business Success

There is limitless potential available when we align our endeavors with divine power and trust in God's plan to prosper. By actively striving for an abundance mindset and cultivating a work culture in which exceeding goals becomes the norm, you can cultivate a perspective that empowers you to achieve greater success and fulfillment. 

Remember, an abundance mindset is not about denying challenges or hardships but about intentionally preparing ahead and approaching difficulties from a position of gratitude, generosity, and empowerment. Putting these strategies into practice will help you transform your mindset and unlock a world of opportunities. 

Related verses:

  • Leviticus 27:30-32

  • Jeremiah 29:11

  • Malachi 3:10

  • Acts 20:35


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