Importance of Confidence in Business for Future Success

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” 

Where can we find confidence in business when we encounter an obstacle or suffer a setback on our entrepreneurial journey? The answer is simple: leaning on your Christian faith will inspire you and show you the way as you grow as a business owner.

By grounding business success in faith, business owners find the inspiration to proceed confidently when unforeseen challenges test them. Successful entrepreneurs know that they're sustained not only by their own efforts but also by the help of God.

Why Confidence Is Essential for Entrepreneurs

Confidence in business is essential because it empowers entrepreneurs to attempt new things, take calculated risks, and promote their businesses to others. Confidence—more specifically, a healthy mix of self-confidence and God-confidence—serves as the driving force that spurs you forward even in the face of setbacks and fear.

A faith-based mindset gives you the confidence you need to overcome challenges and persevere. This confidence comes from a profound assurance that God rewards those who walk in His ways and that He has made you wonderfully and equipped you with the abilities to make strategic decisions and solve problems.

The following are some practical benefits of confidence in business:

Confident Hope

Hebrews 11:1 encourages entrepreneurs to operate their businesses with hope and confidence in unseen outcomes. We can't foresee all the consequences of our business decisions. However, we must have faith that the steps we take prayerfully and thoughtfully (and after diligent research) will have a successful outcome.

Taking confident hope in God’s words drives us to excel and push ourselves to reach our goals. The same goes for confident employees. Hope is a powerful driving force for good that encourages entrepreneurs and their teams to take the initiatives necessary to achieve success.

Communication Skills

Confidence helps us communicate clearly, listen actively, and be assertive when needed. Christians tend to be good at showing empathy but find it harder to be bold when it comes to marketing, negotiating, and holding employees accountable (all of which are necessary to run a profitable business). Remember that God has entrusted you with the resources to make this dream happen, so act confidently and responsibly to ensure the best possible return.


Being risk-averse in business may go against reaping the rewards of your hard work. Channeling your faith into calculated risks can lead to significant rewards. While unnecessary or reckless risk-taking isn’t encouraged, taking risks based on hope and persistence can boost your business’s chances of success.

Visionary Persistence

Your vision sometimes takes time to come to fruition. Hebrews 11:1 motivates business owners to persist in their vision, even when immediate results aren’t visible. Confident entrepreneurs who have faith that they will be rewarded for their hard work eventually see their vision become a reality. Confidence and persistence also help us start again when a project doesn’t go right and have the strength to learn from our mistakes.

Resilience in the Face of Disaster

In business, outside factors can affect every aspect of our business. This can make us think that our business's success is out of our hands and lead to despair. When things go wrong, it's easy to take failure personally, give up on our dreams, and even waver in our faith. Hebrews 11:1 inspires us to grow in our faithfulness to God and trust that we'll eventually see the fruits of both our hard work and our faith.

Help on the Journey

The ability to build confidence, have a positive mindset, and promote personal growth is anchored in the Bible’s teachings. Sign up for our podcast to listen to our discussions on this and many other questions and learn how to take inspiration from the Bible to reach your business goals.

How to Cultivate and Maintain Confidence in Business

Confidence in business can be elusive when you’re just starting out or if past projects haven’t gone your way. However, facing new projects or challenges with confidence will set you up for success. The following are practical ways Christians can develop confidence in business:

1. Learn to Deal with Fear

Fear comes in many different forms. It can destabilize and undermine our good work and undo our vision going forward. It can even rob us of our peace and trust in God.

Refusing to let fear take over allows us to become what God has designed us to be. But for that to happen, we must learn to live by the word of God and let our faith guide us through periods of strife.

2. Develop Strength to Overcome Challenges

Developing awareness and strength is the key to overcoming challenges that can shake our belief in our projects and ourselves. Learn to trust God through your mistakes as well as your victories. Not everything you do will work and sometimes we take the wrong steps. But it isn't the failure you think it is, especially if you step back from the emotion, take stock of the situation, and reaffirm your faith in yourself and God's plan.

3. Choose Faith

God commands us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, and strength. As fear or self-doubt sets in, the best antidote is prayer. Remind yourself that God wants you to prosper (Jeremiah 29:11). He is with you and has made you able to overcome anything that comes your way. You can act knowing He will guide you, strengthen you, and encourage you to reach your goals.

Confidence comes from living with God at your side, even when it feels like you're alone. Christians who choose to live by the Word of God know they never walk alone. “Obey God, do your best, and let God take care of the rest.”

Business Confidence Is Compatible with Godliness

We often associate successful entrepreneurs with ruthlessness or greed. However, studies have shown that entrepreneurs pray more and are more likely to believe in a personally responsive god than the general population. And it doesn't end there. Business confidence is compatible with godliness because God wants us to prosper and do good things in His world.

The Bible encourages our success in many ways and inspires us to spread His word through our work. Request details about our membership options to gain more insights into how our Christian faith strengthens us as leaders and how to channel our faith positively into our business lives.

Walk Confidently with God

Whether you're just starting out in business, facing challenges, or finding yourself at a crossroads, nurturing self-confidence (and God-confidence) at work is an ongoing process. Overcoming fear enables you to spread your wings and reach your full business potential.

Confidence comes both from trusting in God and trusting that He has created you with the ability to achieve great things. Your faith will give you the strength and courage required to execute the opportunities God has given you to the best of your abilities.

Related verses:

  • Hebrews 13:6


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