The Biblical Purpose of Money & Financial Success

2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Have you ever wondered if financial success and faith can go hand in hand? Whether you're yearning for financial security or are simply curious about the role of money in your faith journey, understanding the biblical purpose of money offers valuable insights.

The Bible offers a rich tapestry of teachings on money, stewardship, and prosperity. While some might associate religious teachings with frugality or even poverty, a closer look reveals a more nuanced perspective.

The True Riches of God's Kingdom Are Entrusted to Us

God rewards us abundantly in different ways. This includes the internal blessings of joy or fulfillment in a job well done. It also includes material or financial rewards. Though there's nothing inherently wrong with making money, Christians must heed God's word when deciding how to use the wealth entrusted to them.

No matter what the source of your money is, Christians must have one thing clear: everything we have is thanks to God. How we handle the money entrusted to us is an act of faith in itself. Earning money honestly is virtuous, but we should always consider how our money can be used to serve God and further His purposes.

Purpose of Money According to the Bible

The purpose of money according to the Bible is to fulfill divine purpose on earth and to provide for our basic needs. Money or success isn’t frowned upon; indeed, business owners must trust in God’s plan to prosper. How we use the money we have, however, is a test of our true character as Christians. God warns against covetousness and commands us to use our wealth to further His work. We can do that in the following ways:

Developing Our Stewardship and Character

The way we handle money is a test of our true character. Psalm 24:1 tells us that "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it." This includes our money. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit urges us to align our actions with God’s truth; in this case, to be excellent stewards of the money entrusted to us.

By minimizing greed and increasing generosity, we reject being a slave to our money. Instead, we see money as a way to serve God and show our character as grateful Christians.

Building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 

At the end of our days, we will be asked to give an account of how we used the resources given to us on earth. What did we accomplish for God with the money we were entrusted with?

The Lord Jesus Christ encouraged us to use wealth to invest in heavenly treasures. While material objects won't stand the test of time, investing our wealth in an eternal treasury establishes God's principles on earth. Our wealth allows us to influence everything around us for good by spreading Biblical values in our spheres of influence. This starts with transforming the lives of those in need and using our wealth to glorify God.

Use Money to Illustrate God's Power

God works through us as we give generously to others. Our success in business puts us in the position to help others in our community or through our church. The money we make in our businesses can be a powerful force for good if only we are willing to use it to help others.

Multiply Your Potential for Giving

God compares generous giving to planting for the harvest: "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously" (2 Corinthians 9:6). As our business grows, our commitment to God also grows. Business success is far from greed or covetousness; it's an opportunity to grow your commitment to God and further His work.

Our team has experience in helping small businesses integrate giving into their long-term plan for their business. Join our community and request details about our membership options for tailored advice on reaching your faith-inspired giving goals.

Practical Ways to Fulfill God's Purposes with Business Profits

It can be hard to contemplate giving when facing hard times in your business. When you're facing a downturn in business, rising costs, or wish to grow your business, you might be tempted to set the idea to the side.

However, this approach forgets God's generosity. Christians who give generously even in times of hardship show themselves to be convinced that the source of their provision won't run dry. Why? Because the source of all we have is God!

Christian businesses can embrace the spirit of generosity by giving in the following ways:


God challenges business owners to tithe their income. In tithing, we worship God by acknowledging that everything we have is thanks to Him and that we are merely stewards of what He has blessed us with.

Show Generosity Toward Low-Income Customers

There are many ways to show generosity toward low-income customers. Consider canceling debts or providing reduced-fee or pro bono services for those in need. Businesses that enter into such arrangements inevitably find out that giving is receiving

For example, a study on advertising agencies that offered pro bono services found wide-ranging benefits for the business itself, including the following:

  • Creating campaigns for free enables workers to take risks they wouldn’t normally take with paying clients. This opens up an exciting creative and learning opportunity for the business.

  • Pro bono work is motivating for staff as it represents an opportunity to gain confidence and new skills in tasks that differ from their everyday role in the workplace.

  • Offering free or lower-price services shows that businesses care about their community and not only about high-paying clients. This can boost their reputation in the community. 

Community Programs

Generosity in business can extend to hosting programs that help the wider community. For example, an accounting firm or agency could hold sessions on sound financial planning; a restaurant could build links with a local food bank or a homeless shelter.

These types of commitments are great ways to use your business profits for good. You could even consider discreet ways of including biblical outreach in any programs you offer to acknowledge God's hand in your good fortune.

What to Understand from 2 Corinthians 9:8

2 Corinthians 9:8 offers encouragement to those who give generously. The first key element to understand is this verse is motivational, not transactional. Believers who give must understand that the act of giving isn't a promise of material gain or heavenly rewards. Instead, it motivates worshippers to give generously out of faith, love, and trust in God.

Paul explains in this passage that selfless giving is an act of Christlike grace. But beyond that selfless giving, there are also benefits and opportunities for the giver if their charitable works are performed with a cheerful heart.

Giving is an opportunity for Christians to participate in doing God's work on earth by meeting the needs of those less fortunate. Generosity also leads to spiritual abundance. Blessing others as you have been blessed leads to spiritual rewards. These include a closer relationship with God, a sense of joy from helping the needy, and a sense of fulfillment that you are furthering God's work through your business success.

Abundant Blessings

2 Corinthians 9:8 encourages the belief that God’s blessings are not limited and can empower entrepreneurs to succeed in their ventures. Far from "eating into" your business's ability to grow, giving shows your faith that God will not only replace what you give, but shower you with eternal blessings for doing so.

Sufficiency for Service

Abundance is not just for personal gain but enables us to contribute positively to the world and our local community. Finding joy in business success shouldn't simply take the form of accumulating more and more wealth, but rather using it to make a positive and lasting impact on those around us.

Eternal Readiness

This passage posits that a mindset focused on abundance prepares us for continuous giving and service. Remember that generosity can take many forms—"in all things and at all times." Your business can play an important role in your community, both financially and by performing good deeds.

"God Blesses Those Who Bless Others"

It's important to note that verses that encourage charity shouldn't be interpreted as a guarantee of material wealth for every act of giving. The emphasis is on the importance of generosity, compassion, and helping others. But remember the importance of giving isn't only the act of giving (or being seen to give) but the spirit with which you help others.

Acts of kindness bring blessings in various forms, fostering a sense of fulfillment, strengthening relationships, and creating a more positive and giving world.

Money and Financial Success Are Entrusted to Us by God

The Bible paints a clear picture: money and financial success are tools to be managed responsibly and used for God’s purposes. It’s true that money can keep us comfortable, but we must remember the source of our blessings at every step.

The key lies not in the wealth we possess, but in the heart with which we manage it. By prioritizing faith, gratitude, and responsible stewardship, we can transform money into a tool for good, honoring God in every financial decision we make.

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